vineri, aprilie 25, 2008

Un mic quilt

Am facut un quilt micut cu doua fetite frumoase :)

I have done a small quilt with two wonderful little friends :)

vineri, aprilie 18, 2008

continuare la tyvek / tyvek-further on

In sfarsit pot sa va arat ce am facut cu tyvek-ul din postul anterior: o poseta stil plic la care am atasat un lant auriu.

Finally I can show you what I have done with the piece of tyvek from the previous post: a purse with a golden small chain.

 interiorul cu captusala si inchizator magnetic:
...and the inside with lining and magnetic closure:

miercuri, aprilie 09, 2008

Experiment cu Tyvek / Experimenting Tyvek

Azi a fost randul tyvek-ului. E prima data cand lucrez cu acest material.
Am luat o bucata mai mica si am vopsit-o cu Pebeo setacolor:
It was Tyvek's turn today. It is the first time I have worked with this material.
I took a small piece and I painted it with Pebeo Setacolor.

Dupa ce s-a uscat am pus-o intre doua foi de hartie pentru copt iar apoi am calcat -o incet, fara sa apas prea tare, 3-4 secunde. Temperatura fierului trebuie setata intre bumbac si lana.
After drying it I placed it between two sheets of baking paper and I ironed it gently without pressing too hard, for 3 or 4 seconds. The ironing temperature must be set between cotton and wool.

Tyvek-ul s-a strans, a facut niste mici umflaturi si a devenit mult mai mic.
The tyvek wrinkled, blistered and shrank.

Am taiat bucata de tyvek in 5 bucati mai mici, pe care le-am prins in ace cu gamalie pe o bucata de material mov de fond, pe care, la randul ei am asezat-o pe un material alb mai gros, un fel de intaritura pe care eu o folosesc si la genti.
I cut the ironed tyvek in five smaller pieces which I then pinned on a purple piece of fabric. What resulted I placed on a thicker batting.

Apoi am quiltuit cu free motion, fixand tyvek-ul pe fond, si incercand un fel de broderie libera, ca sa dau o unitate compozitiei:
Then I quilted it with free motion, fixing the tyvek on the background and trying a kind of free embroidery to give unity to the composition.

Deocamdata m-am oprit aici:
I stopped here for now:

Continuarea maine...sper :0))
To be continued tomorrow ...I hope :0))

duminică, aprilie 06, 2008

Noutati / Novelties

Vreau sa va arat ce am lucrat in ultimul timp pentru viitorul meu magazin on line.
I want to show you what I have done lately for my future on-line store.

Asadar, iata inca doua quilturi care pot fi folosite ca si fata de masa (au dimensiunile de aprox.80/80 cm) dar pot fi si agatate pe perete, ca tablouri textile decorative:
Here are two other quilts which one can use as table cloths ( they are about 80/80 cm) or as wall hangings:

Primul quilt este "pisuit" si quiltuit la masina, iar la al doilea florile sunt aplicate cu mana si de asemenea e quiltuit cu masina.
The first quilt is machine pieced and machine quilted and the second is also machine quilted and the flowers are hand applique.

Am facut si o gentuta, tot cu aplicatii, de data asta insa am folosit vliesefix-ul de la Maria si a mers ceva mai repede :)
I also made a handbag but this time I fused the doll using vliesifix (a fusible web very similar to wonder under)

Iar acum, ceva ce imi doream de mult sa fac si in sfarsit azi am avut timp: o esarfa de matase pictata de mana. Mi-a placut tare mult sa ma joc cu culorile si sper sa am timp cat mai curand sa experimentez alte si alte tehnici de pictare. Esarfa de mai jos este pictata in tehnica cea mai simpla, culori si apa....mai exista multe alte tehnici care includ folosirea zaharului, a sarii, alcoolului, a guttei, etc.
And now something that I was planning to do for a long time but only today I had enough time to do it: a hand painted silk scarf. I enjoyed playing with colours very much and I hope to do it again soon. I would like to experiment with other and other techniques, for example painting with salt, sugar, alcohol, gutta, etc. This scarf is painted only using colours and water, the simplest technique.