Surfing the net I found cloth dolls. One of the first sites I have found was Patti Medaris Culea's. I liked her dolls so much that I decided to make my own cloth dolls. I bought from two books written by Patti Medaris Culea, about making cloth dolls: Creative Cloth Doll Making and Creative Cloth Doll Faces. I started with the purest pattern and here are some pictures of how I made my first doll.
Acestea sunt tiparele partilor componente ale corpului:
These are the patterns for the doll's elements:
Am folosit un material din bumbac 100% vopsit de catre mine cu Procion MX. Am ales o culoare roz pal care sa sugereze culoarea pielii.
I used hand-dyed cotton fabric (with Procion MX). I chose a pink colour, to suggest the colour of the skin.
Aici am trasat tiparul pe materialul indoit in doua. Apoi am cusut pe urma trasata, iar dupa aceea am decupat la aproximativ 2mm de cusatura.
I traced the pattern on the folded fabric. Then I sewed on the line and then I cut out at a distance of about 2mm.
In continuare am intors pe fata fiecare bucata, printr-un orificiu special lasat pentru aceasta, dupa care am umplut cu vatelina.
I turned out every piece and I stuffed them.
Aici este papusa inainte de a o colora si de a-i face haine.
Here is the doll before painting its face and making clothes.Pentru a-i contura trasaturile fetei am folosit pasteluri cerate si vopseluri acrilice.
Aici este o etapa intermediara a fetei, dupa ce am colorat cu pasteluri cerate:
I used acrylics and wax pastels to paint the face. Here is an intermediary stage:
Iata si poze cu papusa mea la final!! Fusta i-am facut-o dintr-un rest de costum national, manecile si bluza din dantele, iar parul i l-am impletit din fir de tricotat galben.
Here is my doll! The skirt is made of an old national costume, the shirt and the sleeves are made of lace. For the hair I used yellow yarns.
Aici o puteti vedea langa doua vaze din tabla pe care le-am decorat cu trandafiri, prin metoda servetelelor.
Here my doll sits near two vases which I decorated with roses (the napkin technique).
Inca nu am dat un nume papusii mele. Imi puteti da niste sugestii? Va rog...:))
I haven't given a name to my doll, yet. Can you give me some suggestions? Please...:))
6 comentarii: l'appelerai tout simplement ... "ROSE"... comme une rose, une fleur fragile, belle et sophistiquée !!!
E minunata papusa ta si cu un aer sofisticat! Sper sa mai faci si altele îmbracate cu costume românesti!
Coronita blonda impletita, bujori in obraji, aerul de sanatate ce-l emana...HEIDI. Stiu ca nu e deloc romanesc...dar asta-mi inspira mie! ;)) o Heidi neastimparata din desenele animate ajunsa la maturitate cu aceeasi bujori dar acum cu coditele strinse cochet pe cap...
Este minunata...astept si eu de pe acum o linie de papusi "DDora" ;))
La tua doll e' bellissima !! Io la chiamerei " Rosalinda ".Ciao
Elle est magnifique Dora, ta poupée, moi je lui l'appelerai "Maman tendresse" je la trouve si tendre. Merci Dora pour les explications et les sites. Merci et bravo, bravo
Your doll is so nice! I like it!
I find you because I was looking about vintage quilt.
Greetings from germany
Am vrut sa vad cum ai desenat, pictat, facut-o pe Miranda dar pozele nu mai sunt accesibile. Stii ceva de asta?
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