Suzi blu este o artista minunata pe care am descoperit-o de curand. Va recomand sa-i vizitati
blogul, sa-i vizionati
clipurile video, si sa-i vedeti
galeria de lucrari.
Pe mine ma fascineaza arta ei si, de cand am descoperit-o, am simtit nevoia urgenta sa incerc sa desenez si eu in stilul ei. Ea tine un fel de art journal, si m-am hotarat sa incep si eu unul.
Mai jos vedeti prima pagina din noul meu jurnal si, de vreme ce suzi blu m-a inspirat atat de mult, e normal sa fie ceva in stilul ei. Sper ca, in timp, sa ajung sa-mi descopar un stil al meu propriu. Important e ca am reusit sa ma rup din starea de inertie in care balteam de ceva vreme. Chiar daca am inceput cu desenul, va veni si dorul de quilting, presimt :))
Suzi blu is a wonderful artist which I have discovered lately. I recommend you to visit her blog, to see her videos and galery. Her art fascinates me and, since I have found her, I have felt an irresistible urge to draw. She keeps an art journal and I decided to keep one myself too. You can see below the first page of my journal and, since suzi blu has inspired me, I believe it's normal to be something in her way. I hope to find my own way soon. It's important that I succeded to pull myself out from inertia and even if I started with drawing, I will make a quilt soon, I have a feeling... :))
Mireasa mea face referire la nunta de sambata, la care am fost invitati, si unde ne-am simtit extraordinar. In dreapta am lipit un mic biletel cu numele mirilor si data nuntii, care se gasea pe masa in fata fiecarui invitat.
My bride refers to a wedding where we were invited on saturday night and we had a wonderful time there. In the right side, I stuck a little note which was on the table in front of each guest, with the names of the bridal couple and the date of the wedding.
Mai jos, masa la care am lucrat, intr-o dezordine infernala. Din colturi si sertare uitate am scos pasteluri, creioane colorate, pixuri, carioci, pensule, vopsele....
Here is my working table, a real mess. I took out pastels, coloured pencils, pens, cariocas, paintbrushes, paints, from forgotten drawers...