Am mai facut o gentuta, cu tehnica chenille.
I have made another bag with the chenille technique.
the front:
si spatele:
and the back:
sâmbătă, iunie 30, 2007
miercuri, iunie 27, 2007
Sapte lucruri despre mine / I have been tagged !!
Am fost nominalizata de catre Sarah sa scriu aici sapte lucruri la intamplare despre mine, iar apoi sa nominalizez alte sapte posesoare de blog pentru a face acelasi lucru.
Asadar sapte lucruri despre mine:
1. sunt mai degraba o fire contemplativa decat activa
2. imi place ploaia, ma fascineaza si ma calmeaza
3. imi place sa bantui prin pietele de vechituri si sa caut lucruri deosebite
4. in gimnaziu am jucat volei la scoala sportiva din Arad, mergeam in cantonamente si turnee
5. colectionez cutii vechi de tabla (mai jos am pus o poza cu cateva dintre ele)
6. imi plac nespus dulciurile si de aceea am mereu probleme cu mentinerea siluetei
7.Imi place sa citesc Haruki Murakami, am citit tot ce-a aparut in romana de el
Acum trebuie sa nominalizez alte sapte bloguri. Sper sa gasiti distractiv jocul acesta, mie mi-a placut!
tiktakro, magicapugliapatch, Arta din peticele , A world of Beauty, Quilt Univers, PatchScrap, Peticelul lui Smaranda
I have been tagged by Sarah to post seven random facts about me and then to tag seven other people.
Here are seven random facts about me:
1. I am rather contemplative than active
2. I love the rain, it fascinates me and calms me down
3. I like roaming around the flea markets and hunting for interesting things
4. I was a volleyball player when I was a teen-ager and I used to go in training camps and play in competitions
5. I collect plate boxes (you can see some of them in the picture below)
6. I love to eat sweets and I always have problems with my silhouette
7. I like Haruki Murakami's books. I read all his novels ( well, only those translated in Romanian)
Now I have to tag other seven blogs. Here they are:
tiktakro, magicapugliapatch, Arta din peticele , A World of Beauty, Quilt Univers, PatchScrap, Peticelul lui Smaranda
Asadar sapte lucruri despre mine:
1. sunt mai degraba o fire contemplativa decat activa
2. imi place ploaia, ma fascineaza si ma calmeaza
3. imi place sa bantui prin pietele de vechituri si sa caut lucruri deosebite
4. in gimnaziu am jucat volei la scoala sportiva din Arad, mergeam in cantonamente si turnee
5. colectionez cutii vechi de tabla (mai jos am pus o poza cu cateva dintre ele)
6. imi plac nespus dulciurile si de aceea am mereu probleme cu mentinerea siluetei
7.Imi place sa citesc Haruki Murakami, am citit tot ce-a aparut in romana de el
Acum trebuie sa nominalizez alte sapte bloguri. Sper sa gasiti distractiv jocul acesta, mie mi-a placut!
tiktakro, magicapugliapatch, Arta din peticele , A world of Beauty, Quilt Univers, PatchScrap, Peticelul lui Smaranda
I have been tagged by Sarah to post seven random facts about me and then to tag seven other people.
Here are seven random facts about me:
1. I am rather contemplative than active
2. I love the rain, it fascinates me and calms me down
3. I like roaming around the flea markets and hunting for interesting things
4. I was a volleyball player when I was a teen-ager and I used to go in training camps and play in competitions
5. I collect plate boxes (you can see some of them in the picture below)
6. I love to eat sweets and I always have problems with my silhouette
7. I like Haruki Murakami's books. I read all his novels ( well, only those translated in Romanian)
Now I have to tag other seven blogs. Here they are:
tiktakro, magicapugliapatch, Arta din peticele , A World of Beauty, Quilt Univers, PatchScrap, Peticelul lui Smaranda
marți, iunie 26, 2007
Gentuta crazy / Crazy Handbag
Am terminat aceasta geanta facuta in tehnica crazy patchwork. Mi-a placut mult s-o lucrez si cred ca voi face de acum inainte multe alte genti, cred ca e pe cale sa ma molipsesc de inca un microb :))
I finished this bag and I enjoyed to make it very much.I belive I will make a lot of bags in the future, I think I'm going to get another virus :)))
Rose, Heidi, Rosalinda si Maman Tendresse. Acestea sunt numele propuse de Smaranda, Teodora, Marisa si Nathalie pentru papusa mea (vezi postul anterior)
Multumesc fetelor!!!! Cred ca cel mai bine i se potriveste Rose, mai ales ca are rochita brodata cu trandafiri. Dar mi-a placut si Maman tendresse...suna atat de...tandru :) Voi face in orice caz si alte papusi, si musai si o Rosalinda si o Heidi.
Rose, Heidi, Rosalinda and Maman Tendresse. These are the suggestions of Smaranda, Teodora, Marisa and Nathalie for the name of my doll (see the previous post).
Thank you girls!!! I think the most suitable is Rose, especially that her dress is embroidered with little roses. But I also like Maman sounds so...tender :)) However, I will make other dolls and certainly two of them called Rosalinda and Heidi. ;)
I finished this bag and I enjoyed to make it very much.I belive I will make a lot of bags in the future, I think I'm going to get another virus :)))
Rose, Heidi, Rosalinda si Maman Tendresse. Acestea sunt numele propuse de Smaranda, Teodora, Marisa si Nathalie pentru papusa mea (vezi postul anterior)
Multumesc fetelor!!!! Cred ca cel mai bine i se potriveste Rose, mai ales ca are rochita brodata cu trandafiri. Dar mi-a placut si Maman tendresse...suna atat de...tandru :) Voi face in orice caz si alte papusi, si musai si o Rosalinda si o Heidi.
Rose, Heidi, Rosalinda and Maman Tendresse. These are the suggestions of Smaranda, Teodora, Marisa and Nathalie for the name of my doll (see the previous post).
Thank you girls!!! I think the most suitable is Rose, especially that her dress is embroidered with little roses. But I also like Maman sounds so...tender :)) However, I will make other dolls and certainly two of them called Rosalinda and Heidi. ;)
miercuri, iunie 20, 2007
Prima mea papusa/ My first doll
In cautarile mele pe net, am descoperit papusile din textile. Unul din primele site-uri gasite a fost site-ul lui Patti Medaris Culea. Mi-a placut atat de mult, incat am decis ca trebuie sa fac si eu asemenea papusi. Am cumparat de pe doua dintre cartile despre papusi ale artistei mai sus mentionate, si anume:Creative Cloth Doll Making si Creative Cloth Doll Faces. Am inceput cu tiparul cel mai simplu si iata cateva poze cu etapele realizarii primei mele papusi:
Surfing the net I found cloth dolls. One of the first sites I have found was Patti Medaris Culea's. I liked her dolls so much that I decided to make my own cloth dolls. I bought from two books written by Patti Medaris Culea, about making cloth dolls: Creative Cloth Doll Making and Creative Cloth Doll Faces. I started with the purest pattern and here are some pictures of how I made my first doll.
Acestea sunt tiparele partilor componente ale corpului:
These are the patterns for the doll's elements:
Am folosit un material din bumbac 100% vopsit de catre mine cu Procion MX. Am ales o culoare roz pal care sa sugereze culoarea pielii.
I used hand-dyed cotton fabric (with Procion MX). I chose a pink colour, to suggest the colour of the skin.
Aici am trasat tiparul pe materialul indoit in doua. Apoi am cusut pe urma trasata, iar dupa aceea am decupat la aproximativ 2mm de cusatura.
I traced the pattern on the folded fabric. Then I sewed on the line and then I cut out at a distance of about 2mm.
Pentru a-i contura trasaturile fetei am folosit pasteluri cerate si vopseluri acrilice.
Aici este o etapa intermediara a fetei, dupa ce am colorat cu pasteluri cerate:
I used acrylics and wax pastels to paint the face. Here is an intermediary stage:
Iata si poze cu papusa mea la final!! Fusta i-am facut-o dintr-un rest de costum national, manecile si bluza din dantele, iar parul i l-am impletit din fir de tricotat galben.
Here is my doll! The skirt is made of an old national costume, the shirt and the sleeves are made of lace. For the hair I used yellow yarns.
Aici o puteti vedea langa doua vaze din tabla pe care le-am decorat cu trandafiri, prin metoda servetelelor.
Here my doll sits near two vases which I decorated with roses (the napkin technique).
Inca nu am dat un nume papusii mele. Imi puteti da niste sugestii? Va rog...:))
I haven't given a name to my doll, yet. Can you give me some suggestions? Please...:))
Surfing the net I found cloth dolls. One of the first sites I have found was Patti Medaris Culea's. I liked her dolls so much that I decided to make my own cloth dolls. I bought from two books written by Patti Medaris Culea, about making cloth dolls: Creative Cloth Doll Making and Creative Cloth Doll Faces. I started with the purest pattern and here are some pictures of how I made my first doll.
Acestea sunt tiparele partilor componente ale corpului:
These are the patterns for the doll's elements:
Am folosit un material din bumbac 100% vopsit de catre mine cu Procion MX. Am ales o culoare roz pal care sa sugereze culoarea pielii.
I used hand-dyed cotton fabric (with Procion MX). I chose a pink colour, to suggest the colour of the skin.
Aici am trasat tiparul pe materialul indoit in doua. Apoi am cusut pe urma trasata, iar dupa aceea am decupat la aproximativ 2mm de cusatura.
I traced the pattern on the folded fabric. Then I sewed on the line and then I cut out at a distance of about 2mm.
In continuare am intors pe fata fiecare bucata, printr-un orificiu special lasat pentru aceasta, dupa care am umplut cu vatelina.
I turned out every piece and I stuffed them.
Aici este papusa inainte de a o colora si de a-i face haine.
Here is the doll before painting its face and making clothes.Pentru a-i contura trasaturile fetei am folosit pasteluri cerate si vopseluri acrilice.
Aici este o etapa intermediara a fetei, dupa ce am colorat cu pasteluri cerate:
I used acrylics and wax pastels to paint the face. Here is an intermediary stage:
Iata si poze cu papusa mea la final!! Fusta i-am facut-o dintr-un rest de costum national, manecile si bluza din dantele, iar parul i l-am impletit din fir de tricotat galben.
Here is my doll! The skirt is made of an old national costume, the shirt and the sleeves are made of lace. For the hair I used yellow yarns.
Aici o puteti vedea langa doua vaze din tabla pe care le-am decorat cu trandafiri, prin metoda servetelelor.
Here my doll sits near two vases which I decorated with roses (the napkin technique).
Inca nu am dat un nume papusii mele. Imi puteti da niste sugestii? Va rog...:))
I haven't given a name to my doll, yet. Can you give me some suggestions? Please...:))
miercuri, iunie 06, 2007
Work in progress
Vreau sa va arat ce am mai facut in ultima vreme.
Am decorat niste cutiute de lemn cu tehnica servetelelor, tehnica pe care am explicat-o mai demult in acest post.
I want to show you what I have done lately.
I have decorated some wooden little boxes with the napkin technique, which I have explained in this post.
Am inceput sa lucrez o geanta din textile, in tehnica crazy patchwork. Aproape am terminat cele doua fete.
I started to make a bag using the crazy patchwork technique. I have almost finished the two sides.
Cam asa va arata cand va fi gata, doar ca ii voi mai adauga unele decoratii si o voi quiltui.
This is the look I intend to obtein but I need to embellish and quilt it a little.
In centru am pus un mic goblen cu trandafir, cusut de mama mea.
You can notice in the middle a little gobelin with rose, sewn by my mother.
In postul viitor, cate ceva despre papusi !!! :))
In the next post, something about dolls !!:))
a voastra, Dora
yours, Dora
Am decorat niste cutiute de lemn cu tehnica servetelelor, tehnica pe care am explicat-o mai demult in acest post.
I want to show you what I have done lately.
I have decorated some wooden little boxes with the napkin technique, which I have explained in this post.
Am inceput sa lucrez o geanta din textile, in tehnica crazy patchwork. Aproape am terminat cele doua fete.
I started to make a bag using the crazy patchwork technique. I have almost finished the two sides.
Cam asa va arata cand va fi gata, doar ca ii voi mai adauga unele decoratii si o voi quiltui.
This is the look I intend to obtein but I need to embellish and quilt it a little.
In centru am pus un mic goblen cu trandafir, cusut de mama mea.
You can notice in the middle a little gobelin with rose, sewn by my mother.
In postul viitor, cate ceva despre papusi !!! :))
In the next post, something about dolls !!:))
a voastra, Dora
yours, Dora
luni, iunie 04, 2007
Expozitia de patchwork de la Szekszard (Ungaria)
In perioada 25-28 mai am fost cu prietena mea Diana la expozitia de patchwork de la Szekszard (Ungaria). Am descoperit un orasel frumos, cu multe parcuri, cu stradute linistite innecate in flori si verdeata, cu oameni cumsecade si primitori.
From 25th to 28th of May, I was in Szekszard (Hungary) at a patchwork exhibition, with my friend Diana. We found a beautiful little town with a lot of gardens, with quiet streets drowned in flowers, with nice people.
Iata cateva poze de la expozitie:
Here are some pictures from the exhibition:
Here are some pictures from the exhibition:
Iata si cateva poze din Szekszard:
Here are some pictures from Szekszard:
Here are some pictures from Szekszard:
Am vizitat de asemenea si castelul Szent Gaal si orasul Pecs, aflat la doar 60 de km de Szekszard. In Pecs am nimerit la un concert rock care se tinea intr-o piateta in centrul orasului.
We have also visited The Szent Gaal Castle and Pecs, another town at 60 km away from Szekszard.
Din Pecs mi-am cumparat aceasta papusa. Nu-i asa ca-i grozava?
I bought these doll in Pecs. Isn't she lovely?
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