marți, iulie 17, 2007

Un nou proiect / Work in progress

Imi place foarte mult Kaffe Fassett, cu lumea lui colorata. Cand am fost la Praga mi-am cumparat kit-ul acestui quilt proiectat de el. Designul materialelor este de asemenea realizat de Kaffe Fassett.

I like Kaffe Fassett and his coloured world very much. When I was in Prague I bought the kit for this quilt, designed by him. The fabrics are also designed by Kaffe Fassett.

Topul quiltului e aproape terminat, iata aici poza lui:
The top of the quilt is almost finished:

In centrul patratelor vor fi cusute niste flori yo-yo. Nu am mai lucrat pana acum acest model, dar stiu tehnica, am invatat-o de la Elena :))
In the center of the squares I will sew some yo-yo flowers. I haven't made this model till now, but I know the technique, from Elena :))

marți, iulie 10, 2007

Expozitia "Portes Ouvertes" la Cormainville - Franta

In perioada 30 iunie-1 iulie a avut loc la Cormainville- Franta, exozitia" Portes Ouvertes" a Asociatiei Beauce Arts- Textiles, in atelierul Smarandei. Au participat membre ale asociatiei "Beauce Arts- Textiles", dar si alte expozante din Franta si Romania. Au fost expuse in principal ATC-uri si carti postale.
Puteti viziona aspecte de la expozitie, pe blogul "Quilt en Beauce", intretinut de Smaranda Bourgery.
On this blog: "Quilt en Beauce" , you can see pictures from a quilt exhibition, in France, Cormainville, at the Smaranda's studio. The exibitors were the members of the "Beauce ArtsTextiles" association, but there were also other exibitors from France and Romania.

Si acum iata inca doua gentute facute de mine:
And now you can see other two of my bags:

joi, iulie 05, 2007

Iata ce am gasit la un magazin second hand: un quilt vechi, adevarat, lucrat in intregime de mana (pisuit si quiltuit). Nu stiu din ce tara vine, probabil Olanda. Este intr-o forma destul de buna si a costat doar 23 RON, asta insemnand undeva in jur de 7 euro. Un chilipir, nu-i asa?
Nu am de gand sa-l folosesc ci sa-l pastrez ca o prima piesa din viitoarea mea colectie de quilturi vechi. Poate voi avea ocazia sa mai achizitionez si altele...

Look what I have found at a second-hand store, here in my town: an old quilt, a real one, made by hand (pieced and quilted). I don't know its country of origin, it may be Holland. It's in a pretty good shape and it only cost 23 RON (about 7 Euro). It's a real bargain, isn't it?

I don't inted to use it but to keep it as a first piece of my future collection of vintage quilts :)