Grupul de patchwork "Peticelul Romanesc" are in proiect realizarea unui quilt numit "Quiltul Prieteniei", avand ca tema "Farfuria romaneasca". Fiecare dintre noi trebuie sa realizeze un block de 30/30 cm, luand ca model o farfurie romaneaca din ceramica de Corund. Culoarea predominanta trebuie sa fie albastrul.
Our group "The Romanian Patch" has planned to make a quilt called "The Quilt Of Friendship", on the theme of "Traditional Romanian Pottery". Each of us must make a block of 30 /30 cm , taking as inspiration motives from old Romanian plates. Because of the great variety of motives we decided to focuse on the blue ones, originar from a Romanian village, Corund. Hence, blue must be the predominant colour.
Eu mi-am ales ca model aceasta farfurie:
I chose this plate as a model:
Mai intai am desenat modelul pe o hartie, simplificandu-l, iar apoi am copiat desenul pe o alta hartie, de unde am decupat apoi tiparul fiecarei petale si al fiecarei frunzulite:
First I drew the simplified model on a sheet of paper. Then I copied the pattern on another sheet of paper and cut up the pattern of each petal and leaf.
Se observa cum am numerotat fiecare bucatica, ca sa nu incurc ordinea lor cand le voi regrupa pe quilt.
You can notice that I numbered each and every small piece to avoid misplacing when regrouping them on the quilt.
Apoi am asezat hartia cu desenul pe geam, deasupra am pus panza crem ce urma sa o folosesc ca si fond, si cu un marker temporar am trasat conturul florii.
I placed the drawing on the window and the background fabric over it. With a temporar marker I traced the outline of the flower.
Mai departe am folosit minunata inventie numita wonder-under, un adeziv care se prezinta ca o tesatura foarte fina, avand pe spate hartie. Am lipit materialul albastru din care voiam sa fac aplicatiile pe partea adeziva a acstei wonder-under, cu ajutorul fierului de calcat. Dupa ce s-a racit, am desenat pe partea cu hartie, folosind micile tipare decupate, petalele si frunzele. Le-am decupat si abia apoi am indepartat hartia de pe spatele lor.
Further on I used a wonderful invention namely the wonder-under ( paper-backed fusible web). Using an iron I fused the blue fabric which I intended to use for the applique, on the fusible side of this wonder-under. After it cooled off I drew (on the back of the fabric, on the wonder-under paper) the patterns of the petals and leaves. I cut them up and I peeled off the paper.
Tinand cont de numerele notate pe fiecare, am asezat micile bucatele albastre la locul lor pe materialul de fond. Le-am lipit apoi cu fierul de calcat.
I set in order the little blue pieces on the background fabric, taking into account their numbers. Than I ironed them in their places on the block.
Cu cusatura de zig-zag am "desenat" apoi tulpinile florii si am conturat cele doua cercuri:
With the zig-zag stitch I "drew" the stems and the two circles.
Nu mi-a mai ramas decat sa quiltuiesc liber pe spatiul crem din interiorul farfuriei:
Nothing was left but to finish the block with the free motion quilting in the middle of the plate:
Asa... acum farfuria este gata, am si trimis-o cu posta Adinei, care va imbina toate "farfuriile noastre" intr-un quilt original.
Well, the plate is ready and I have already sent it to Adina, who will piece our plates into an original quilt.
Iar aici puteti vedea un colaj de fotografii realizat cu Picasa, cu toate farfuriile terminate pana acum de membrele grupului Peticelul Romanesc.
Here you can see a collage of photos with all the plates that have been finished up to now by the members of "The Romanian Patch".
a voastra, Dora
yours, Dora