I was so happy when I found in my mail box the postcards from my friends! Each of them has a Martisor attached.
Martisor is a Romanian symbol of the coming spring. The men offer women this little object called Martisor, consisiting of a jewel or a small decoration like a flower, an animal, etc., tied to a red and white string. It was believed that the one who wears the red and white string will be powerful and healthy for the year to come. The women wear it pinned to her blouse on the 1st of March and up to two weeks after.
The name “Martisor” is the diminutive of March (in Romanian Martie), and means something like “little” or “dear March”.
Acesta este martisorul pe care l-am primit de la Katia, partenera mea de schimb din Franta.
Ea mi-a mai trimis si o bucata verde de material, foarte frumoasa si o bucata de tyvek.
Katia, multumesc frumos! Sper sa primesti si tu zilele acestea martisorul meu.
This is the Martisor that I received from Katia:
She also sent me a beautiful piece of green fabric (batik) and tyvek.
Thank you Katia, I hope you will get my Martisor these days.

Acesta este martisorul primit de la Teodora, a carei carte postala am postat-o in articolul trecut (aceea cu plaja si cu umbreluta)
This is the Martisor from Teodora, whose postcard I have already posted (the one with the beach and the little umbrella)

Acesta este Martisorul si ATC-ul de la Elena, cu micute scoici ce-mi amintesc de mare...
This one is from Elena and it is made of little shells which remind me the sea...

Adina mi-a trimis o carte postala verde, in curbe imbinate, cu frumoase imprimeuri vegetale. de asemenea mi-a mai trimis un micut block cu sashiko, pe care trebuie sa-l termin eu.
Adina sent me a green postcard with beautiful vegetal prints
and also, a little sashiko block which I have to finish.

Mihaela mi-a trimis acest martisor frumos si o carte postala din matase in culori minunate:
Mihaela sent me this beautiful martisor and this postcard made of silk in wonderful colours: